Naturopathy and yoga are scientific systems which has adequate preventive / curative / reversing / managementive rehabilitative and health promotive aspects.
Sun Bath
Physical and mental benefits.
Increases eye's efficiency.
Effective in Skin diseases, lengthens the hair.
Very good for pregnant woman and her baby.
Increases milk production.
Relives vomiting, nausea.
Good for bones.
Only source to get vitamin 'D'.
Increases mental power and self-confidence, will power.
Decision power.
Balances vitamin D in bones.
babies can fight against jaundice getting early morning sun rays.
Hot and Cold AIR Therapy
It is a system of treatment
Cold air therapy
A good therapy for sleeplessness.
Releases nervous and mental tensions.
For swelling – hot air therapy.
Balances Blood circulation.
Vibrating Therapy
Blood pressure problems. (high/low)
Releases mental and physical tension.
Cures gastric problems, headache backache.
Obesity – balances blood circulation and gives exercise to fat
deposited area of body, thus reduces weight.
Magneto Therapy
Gives excellent results in menstrual problems.
Indigestions, nervous system.
Regulates blood circulation and blood pressure.
Joint problems & Fever
It increases iron in blood and help in case of anemia.
Mud Therapy
Fever & Eye problems – eye sight
Cooling effect to burned skin and also a supportive treatment in any other skin diseases.
Expels toxic from body by empowering liver activity.